The Springfield Hellcat and the TLR-7Sub seem to be a good match. The Hellcat is a great subcompact pistol with good capacity. The TLR-7 Sub is a strong compact light. Indeed, our testing shows the TLR-7 Sub to be every bit as good as the slightly larger TLR-7A.
There has been so much demand for the pairing that we designed a rail key to fit the TLR-7Sub 1913 onto the Hellcat — and gave that key away. We did that in the summer of 2021. There was enough demand that 3rd parties started selling the key on eBay. The demand continued, so we designed a holster for the pistol & light, and shipped it with the key. That was back in late fall 2021.
Fast forward to January 2022. Streamlight announced the release of their own built TLR-7Sub for the Hellcat. The light looks quite similar to the TLR-7Sub 1913, but has a key that works with the Hellcat, and it says “HCAT” on the side of the rail attachment. The rail slot even looks like it is in the same spot.

The biggest question is whether the HCAT Sub fits in our 1913 Sub holster, so we tested it. It fits up like all the Streamlights — the rail clamp tightens well using a coin or a Master Lock key head (my favorite). Once fit up, it appears to sit quite close to the trigger guard, which is how we designed our key to fit. The combination slid into our holster like we designed it for the Streamlight HCAT Sub, and snapped into place. Unholstering also had the same positive results.

In short, the newly released Streamlight TLR-7 Sub for the Hellcat fits exactly the same in our holster as the 1913 Sub with our key.
So, if you’re in the market for a holster for the Hellcat with a Sub, we have you covered. If you run the TLR-7 Sub 1913 with our key, it fits perfectly. If you run the TLR-7 Sub for the Hellcat, then the exact same holster from Werkz fits perfectly. We have you covered.

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